School Council
Candidates for 2024-2026
Executive Officer – Pam Dyson (College Principal)
President - Aileen Kempa
Vice President - Alice Avraam
Parent Category
Benti Bittu
Rebecca Hooper
Beatrix Lorincz
DET Employee Category
Elizabeth Roshiah
Maria Theoharis
Student Member
Fatemeh Ahmadi
Ajaz Rashidi
Thank you to our outgoing school council members, Angela Nae-Ivan and Jodie Billings for their generosity of time, expertise and energy given to help shape our school council experience into one that is considered most productive, successful and rewarding.
School councils have three main responsibilities:
1. Finance – overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation.
2. Strategic Planning – participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan.
3. Policy Development and Review – developing, reviewing, and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
If you would like to be on School Council, please download this application form and return it to the general office.
School Council Nomination Form
School Councils play a key role in providing the best possible educational outcomes for students.
All government schools in Victoria have a School Council that operates under a legislative framework within the Victorian government school system with particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction.
Being a member of our School Council is a rewarding and challenging experience. Our School Council partners with our school leaders to assist with the efficient governance of the school and make sure decisions are made in the best interest of our students.
Members need to understand their role, the powers and functions of council, and how they are required to work with the principal and the school community.
The term of office for membership is 2 years.
How to Join
You don’t need any specific experience or prerequisites – any parent or carer is eligible to nominate for School Council. All you need to be is interested and curious about the school, be available to attend monthly meetings, and work on a sub-committee or working group. Council elections are held each year in February. You can self-nominate and stand for election, or you can encourage another person to stand for election. Note: Ballots are only held if more people nominate as candidates than there are positions vacant.